Discover the Holy Land.
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Our curated "Compass" of the Holy Land shows the locations of the Holy Sites. The Compass includes a timeline from Abraham till today with the main events of the Holy Land. You can also track the best initiatives in our marketplace: the Bazaar.

The Compass: Map
The Compass is an interactive map and timeline of the Holy Land. The Main Sites and other relevant locations are indicated with a pin. Users can navigate and discover the Holy Land.

The Compass: Descriptions
The Compass includes detailed information about biblical characters, historical figures, and events. The section "Related" provides more about the Holy Site and its context.

The Bazzar: Marketplace
Our marketplace, "The Bazaar," is a curated list of initiatives in and about the Holy Land. You can find events, pilgrimages, learning opportunities, and networking opportunities here, all in one place.
Building together
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If you find any information in the "CRETIO Journey App" that you disagree with, we would love to hear about it. We are all learning in this pilgrimage of life!
The History and Geography of the Holy Land are so rich! The content of our "Compass" is never completed. Is there a topic or item you would like to add? Let's dive into it!