Connecting Young Professionals Worldwide, and with the Holy Land
A nexus for young professionals across the globe, the Young Professionals Synergy Network embodies the spirit of synergy, uniting individuals with a shared passion for the Holy Land. Through a blend of personal, professional, and spiritual development opportunities, we facilitate deep connections and foster continuous engagement. Whether you've previously journeyed to the Homeland of Jesus or are new to the experience, YPS Network offers a platform for dynamic interactions, shared learning, and enduring relationships rooted in the profound heritage of the Holy Land.

And online event to connect with the Holy Land.
Live from the Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)
On Friday, April 19, the YPS Network connected live via ZOOM with Joseángel Dominguez direct from the Mount of Olives. We will virtually visit the Holy City and have a Q&A about the situation of the Holy Land today.

An online multilingual prayer
Rosary for the Holy Land
St Josemaria (Furrow, 874):
Holy Mary is the Queen of Peace, and thus, the Church invokes her. So when your soul or your family are troubled, or things go wrong at work, in society or between nations, cry out to her without ceasing.
Call to her by this title: Regina pacis, ora pro nobis — Queen of peace, pray for us. Have you at least tried it when you have lost your calm?… —You will be surprised at its immediate effect.